
I’m ready to help you with the development of software and hardware for your applications. I focus on the development of software defined radio for satellite communication. I’m an electronics developer. My name is Filip Záplata.

About Me

What is the path I had to take to get here? This is my story in short.

Solving Complex Tasks with Tenacity

It is not a cliche when I say that electronics is my passion, simply because this interest acompanies me literally from my childhood. I never had doubts choosing the way to continue, it was always the toughest one.

Such choices brings you hard times, but finally, the feeling of victory gives you even more enthusiasm and pride of your work.

This could by an explanation why I have chosen to study signal prosessing during my bachelor’s and master’s studies and colaboration with my doctoral supervisor, an RF electronics and satellite systems specialist at university.

All this work lead me to enter the space comunity and project experience with organisations and companies like ESA, GomSpace or Czech Aerospace Research Centre.

What Services I Offer

I can supply most of the activities in the development of modern radio transceivers, especially for the satellite link establishment. This includes SW design targetted to Microcontrollers, DSPs or FPGAs, and HW electronics in embedded systems even RF design in GHz bands.

Signal Processing Development

Development and customization of signal processing algorithms for software defined transceivers.

I start development with scripting and analysis, and then implement, optimize and verify its behaviour on your target whether it is based on FPGA, DSP, small microcontroller or PC.

Embedded Software Development

Coding from applications for small microcontrollers through FreeRTOS implementation up to uBoot and Linux customization for your target boards.

I mostly write drivers for custom board designs or high level scripts in Python for user applications or Web interfaces.

Digital and RF Electronics Development

Development and design of high-speed digital and RF communication boards.

I focus globally on small FPGA and Microcontroller board design serving for satellite communication with SDR implementation targetted up to GHz frequency bands.

Recent Work

You might be interested in my previous work, here is a selection of recent projects I worked on.

Signal Processing for JuRa

Together with EmTroniX, IPAG, TUD, Astronika, GomSpace, ESA and others we created a Juventas Radar (JuRa) for Juventas cubesat intended to explore the Dimorphos, moon of the Didymos asteroid. My contribution is essential, I designed the signal processing core on FPGA to perform radar operations. Soon Juventas together with his mother spacecraft HERA will be launched to its long journey.

Signal Processing Development
Snow Fox SDR

Development of a custom Software Defined Radio targetted for satellite data downlink in wide frequency range up to low Ku-band. The design is complex, including HW and SW design and prototype manufacturing. The first prototype is ready and under thorough testing now.

Complete HW & SW Development
X-band Transceiver Driver

Collaboration with Czech Space Research Centre on the development of nanosatellite. I developed the driver for transceiver onboard of the cubesat used for high-speed data downlink in X-band. The driver is an application in Python running under Linux environment. The software is ready now and we are awaiting the launch. Keep yours fingers crossed for us.

Web Developer


If you are interrested in any of services I provide, SW, HW or signal processing design or you just need to consult related topic, leave me a message.

Skácelova 2684
Brno 61200
Czech Republic
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